
Time to spare? Why not join the team and volunteer for Birmingham IA



Volunteers are at the heart of everything that IA does – nationally, we have over 200! Without the dedication, commitment and passion that our volunteers have IA would not be a network of groups offering local support throughout the UK and Ireland.

If you are passionate about giving something back after going through surgery or watching someone close go through surgery, then why not use your experience to help others and join Team Birmingham  IA today!

Whether you have a specialist skill to offer or not, we’d love to hear from you. Being a volunteer is about being you. Being someone who cares, who understands and who wants to help others.

Being a volunteer might be helping out Birmingham IA's  Committee with organising events, helping with meetings at venues across the city or training to support others.  Whatever you feel you can help with, if you have time to spare, no matter how small, we’d love to hear from you.