Birmingham Young IA are out and about again!


Birmingham Young IA are out and about again!

Birmingham Young IA members held their final meeting before Christmas on 3rd December in Birmingham City Centre. Meeting at Caffe Concerto on a busy Saturday morning, they had coffee ( and in Matt's case, a huge hot chocolate and cake!) before setting off to explore the joys of the German market.

They then fought their way through the shoppers to a favourite YIA haunt, Jimmy Spice's on Broad Street, where a great meal was enjoyed by all. Now they're looking forward to the Grand Christmas Quiz next week. 

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Updates from our Facebook page

Birmingham IA
17 hours ago

We've been busy with the visit to the Salts Healthcare factory in Birmingham and Solihull social \ud83d

Birmingham IA
14 days ago

City Centre Social!

Birmingham IA
17 days ago

Are you joining us for our City centre social tomorrow on Sat 22nd Feb?! We'll be at St Martin in the Bullring (Deritend Training Room), Edgbaston Street, Birmingham B5 5BB, at 10am until midday. Hope to see you there \ud83d

Birmingham IA
22 days ago

Keeping busy!!! Mike presenting the new plaques to SCN's at Heartlands to go with the portraits of Ruth Astles & Mary Cotterill, to nurses Yetunde Fadipe, Rebecca Billingsley and Emma Morris. Bogusha and Derek presenting and answering questions to student nurses in Solihull \ud83d

Birmingham IA
28 days ago

Well done TransPennine Express! Hopefully other will follow suit! Stoma-changing facilities added to railway toilets

Birmingham IA
32 days ago

Hope to see you there!

Birmingham IA
41 days ago

Birmingham IA
44 days ago

Great to see such inclusivity in fashion!

Birmingham IA
49 days ago

Birmingham IA
57 days ago

Our very own Bogusha Bury was at Solihull hospital this week providing information and personal experiences of having a stoma \ud83d

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