News from B'ham IA's Chairman, Mike Jameson


News from B'ham IA's Chairman, Mike Jameson

It was good to see so many members in attendance at the recent afternoon tea celebration that we held at Carrs Lane for deceased members Mary Cotterill, Andrew Stubbs and Ian Cash. These three members played such pivotal roles in the success of Birmingham IA over very many years, we were delighted to hold this event in their honour. And we were delighted as well last month to hold our first ever Coffee morning in Redditch for the many members living in and around that area. It proved to be a very successful morning enjoyed by all, and we will be back. We are grateful to our member Helen Baker for recommending the Ecumenical Church as a venue, as it proved to be an excellent choice.

Just as we had established Carrs Lane as a perfect venue for a City Centre meeting venue, we learnt that the Conference Centre was closing at the end of August, another victim of Covid, together with the Congestion charge, which has made the venue no longer economical to operate. We are currently sourcing a new City Centre Venue.

We continue to be committed to broadening our appeal to our younger members and Mark Barnes and Natasha Dhokiya are already working on planning the next Young IA events. More to follow!

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Updates from our Facebook page

Birmingham IA
17 hours ago

We've been busy with the visit to the Salts Healthcare factory in Birmingham and Solihull social \ud83d

Birmingham IA
14 days ago

City Centre Social!

Birmingham IA
17 days ago

Are you joining us for our City centre social tomorrow on Sat 22nd Feb?! We'll be at St Martin in the Bullring (Deritend Training Room), Edgbaston Street, Birmingham B5 5BB, at 10am until midday. Hope to see you there \ud83d

Birmingham IA
22 days ago

Keeping busy!!! Mike presenting the new plaques to SCN's at Heartlands to go with the portraits of Ruth Astles & Mary Cotterill, to nurses Yetunde Fadipe, Rebecca Billingsley and Emma Morris. Bogusha and Derek presenting and answering questions to student nurses in Solihull \ud83d

Birmingham IA
28 days ago

Well done TransPennine Express! Hopefully other will follow suit! Stoma-changing facilities added to railway toilets

Birmingham IA
32 days ago

Hope to see you there!

Birmingham IA
41 days ago

Birmingham IA
44 days ago

Great to see such inclusivity in fashion!

Birmingham IA
49 days ago

Birmingham IA
57 days ago

Our very own Bogusha Bury was at Solihull hospital this week providing information and personal experiences of having a stoma \ud83d

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